Did the U.S. orchestrate the Color Revolutions!?

Lone Candle
13 min readAug 31, 2023

Since the end of the Cold War, protests that overthrew governments in Eastern Europe and Central Asia have been labeled the Color Revolutions because many of these movements adopted a color or a flower as their symbol. These government changes generally moved away from Russia and more in a Western direction, as well as shifted the countries toward democracy, although the long-term democratic results were poor. The short-list of countries said to have had color revolutions are: Georgia (2003–2004), Ukraine (2005), and Kyrgyzstan (2005). Serbia (2000) is often also included…



Lone Candle

A Lone Candle flickering in the breeze on a warm Tuesday night. Wanna give me money to support my valiant efforts? https://www.patreon.com/LoneCandle/overview