Is it in U.S. Interests to Support Israel?

Lone Candle
35 min readFeb 7, 2024

Hi. I’m Lone Candle.

Is it in the interests of the Untied States to support Israel? The U.S. doesn’t simply sell Israel some weapons like it does to Egypt or Saudi Araba. The U.S. has a special relationship and quasi alliance with Israel where the U.S. promises to maintain Israel’s qualitative military edge compared to others in the region and gives Israel more military aid than any other country while also giving them diplomatic cover in the U.N.. The U.S. isn’t just a friend or supporter of Israel, it has made a moral commitment to defend Israel’s right…



Lone Candle

A Lone Candle flickering in the breeze on a warm Tuesday night. Wanna give me money to support my valiant efforts?