The Tigray Ethiopia War

Lone Candle
19 min readMay 5, 2023

War. From November 2020 to November 2022 a conflict raged potentially killing a million people. While the world’s attention has been rightfully focused on the war in Ukraine, that invasion only resulted in up to 100,000 deaths as of April 2023. While atrocities have been committed in Ukraine, they pale in comparison to the rape and civilian slaughter of the war in Ethiopia where the federal government of the country, regional militias, neighboring Eritrea, and fighters from Somalia have been attacking one region and ethnicity of Ethiopia — Tigray. How did such a bloody war start? Why are multiple forces teaming…



Lone Candle

A Lone Candle flickering in the breeze on a warm Tuesday night. Wanna give me money to support my valiant efforts?